I went to see my eye doctor a few days ago and my vision was 20/25, not too bad. There was a mark improvement in my vision starting with week 4 and "sneakingly" getting clearer and clearer. With PRK, you do not get that Wow, instant gratification factor but instead little by little your vision gets better.
My vision is till not as good as when I wore contacts, though, and I guess that will come in time. Reading from a book and from a computer monitor is much much better; driving is also much improved.
So far, the worst side effect is office lights and driving at night. Since I work in an office, the lights above seem to strain my eyes more, I feel like around 3pm my eyes are tired and "done for the day." Done in that, tired of reading or concentrating on print. Driving at night is doable if going somewhere familiar but the lights look like water color blotches.
All in all, I don't regret having this surgery. I do hope that my clear vision last several years. My vision before was -7, scary - because if I lost my glasses or one of my contacts popped out, I was pretty much blind. So I wanted to surgery to give me better improved vision and this it did!
My visit with my eye doctor is in a month and I hope to have 20/20 or better. Stay Tuned.